Our Family Photo

Our Family Photo

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ok. This was an insane day. Jacob, David, Jeff, Jax went to Gower for Jacobs last football game. Grandma and James walked up to the school to go to James' last football game and I was up at 5 am to get karen to the bus to go to Maryville to march. After the Maryville marching. I gathered up the LDS band members and headed 1 1/2 hours east to Jameson to do a renactment of the LDS pioneers with handcarts, food, speakers, etc. and according to my map from the internet the road I was on was supposed to take us to the pioneer area. but the road was so muddy we got stuck and the road had a creek running through it.
Here is our back tire stuck in the mud.
Here is a church leader friend who we called on the cell phone to come dig us out since a pick up truck wasn't going to cut it.
I was never so happy to see a tractor!

1 comment:

Phogles said...

oh my goodness! I knew your day was crazy that day, but I didn't hear the bit about the tractor! Thank heaven for cell phones and church members with heavy equipment! What craziness!