Our Family Photo

Our Family Photo

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All of Nana's grandchildren!!
This is whay life looks like at
her cottage of a house when
they all come to visit. They are
all under the age 14.
While Karen was in Idaho
she had fun hiking with Mckay.

She is very helpful with the babies.
She has always had the gift of
being good with kids even at about age 6
she could rock a baby to sleep for me.

What Karen did this summer...
So She has been the super star helper
the last 6 years while david was going
to school full time and work full time. So we
sent her to Idaho to see her cousins, aunts, and

Karen and cousin Ashlyn.

Karen, Connor and Ashlyn at
the 4th of July parade in Idaho

Fishing with Grandpa.

4th of July Block Party with cousins
and Aunt Kristen.

Karen with Aunt Mckay and Uncle
Helio with baby RJ at Rigby lake.