Our Family Photo

Our Family Photo

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My mom influenced me in many ways and a few of those arethe interests that we have in common. Knitting, crocheting, opera andpolitics. Check out the video of Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma. You canwatch it on this page. A little window will pop up. Just click on the pause sothat it will have a minute to load. It is outstanding.

I have been making our own
tortillas for some time now just
not always consistently. Millie
is a great kitchen helper. She
loves to help cook.
Millie wanted another taco
last night for dinner and we
were out so I said she could
have another one if she was
willing to make some.
Here she is trying
to flip it in the air
like the restraunts
do for pizza.
Karen is taking the pictures.
So I made the dough
and she did the rolling.
Millie is a very confident
girl. I try to say yes to
her as often as I can
because it instills confidence.
Millies finished rolling!